January 2024

With the RRDXA Challenge and RRDXA 60 Diploma January 2024 was a unusual start to the year!

RRDXA Diplom: https://rrdxa.org/diplom-60-jahre-rrdxa/ 

I am not operating a lot from home, due to the poor antenna situation and near by neighbours, but this year I did. I piled up more that 1000 QSOs in Jan with a maximum of 25w and a simple wire vertical antenna in the tree.

Even TX5S on 20m worked with this setup! Amazing!

Here is the magic antenna:

The RRDXA Diploma has 90 Ponts now, but here is the first version.

Next steps: RRDXA Bootcamp in Holzminden in February

So there are no excuses for NOT getting on the air!

73 and good DX!


Are you interested in contesting? JOIN THE RRDXA!


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