60 Years RRDXA Diploma
The Rhein Ruhr DX Association was founded in 1964. For the 60th anniversary in 2024, we are issuing a diploma “ RRDXA60 ” that can be applied for by all radio amateurs and SWLs worldwide.
The diploma requires logging at least 60 connections with RRDXA members on different bands.
- Each connection with an RRDXA member on a band counts one point . The same member can be worked on additional bands for additional points.
- All personal call signs count for the member , ie CT9/DF7EE and CQ3W count as a connection with DF7EE. Multi-op activities are not counted.
- The RRDXA member list with additional call letters will be published at https://rrdxa.org/rrdxa-members/ .
- Here is a link to DX Summit: DXSUMMIT RRDXA members
- At least one connection to the RRDXA club station DA0RR is mandatory. Additional connections on additional bands naturally count additional points.
- The diploma can be applied for from 60 points . You get stickers for every 30 additional connections.
- The diploma can be requested free of charge in PDF format via the DARC Community Log (DCL) . A variant with aluminum dibond printing is available for a fee of €9.50 including shipping. A VIDEO about the ALU-DIBOND diploma is here!
- Applications are possible until the end of 2025.
- The graduate manager is Christoph Berg DF7CB <cb@df7cb.de>
Are you interested in contesting? JOIN THE RRDXA!