60 Years RRDXA Diploma

The Rhein Ruhr DX Association was founded in 1964. For the 60th anniversary in 2024, we are issuing a diploma “ RRDXA60 ” that can be applied for by all radio amateurs and SWLs worldwide.

The diploma requires logging at least 60 connections with RRDXA members on different bands.


  1. Each connection with an RRDXA member on a band counts one point . The same member can be worked on additional bands for additional points. 
  2. All personal call signs count for the member , ie CT9/DF7EE and CQ3W count as a connection with DF7EE. Multi-op activities are not counted.
  3. The RRDXA member list with additional call letters will be published at https://rrdxa.org/rrdxa-members/ .
  4. Here is a link to DX Summit:    DXSUMMIT RRDXA members
  5. At least one connection to the RRDXA club station DA0RR is mandatory. Additional connections on additional bands naturally count additional points.
  6. The diploma can be applied for from 60 points . You get stickers for every 30 additional connections.
  7. The diploma can be requested free of charge in PDF format via the DARC Community Log (DCL) . A variant with aluminum dibond printing is available for a fee of €9.50 including shipping.  A VIDEO about the ALU-DIBOND diploma is here!
  8. Applications are possible until the end of 2025.
  9. The graduate manager is Christoph Berg DF7CB <cb@df7cb.de>


Are you interested in contesting? JOIN THE RRDXA!


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