CQ WW SSB 2023 plaque arrived

CQ WW SSB 2023 was a blast and a very close game at logcheck!

Finally I survived my Number #1 seed SO/A 10m HP – Full story here: https://df7ee.de/cq-ww-ssb-2023-cq3w-soa-10m/

I am really blessed to have plaques for 6 years straigt at CQ WW SSB! They dont come easy.

2018 SOA 21 CQ3W, 2019 M/M D4C, 2020 SOA 21 CQ3W, 2021 SOA 21 CQ3W, 2022 SOA 28 CQ3W and 2023 SOA 28 CQ3W!

And of course it was a happy dance!

Thank you to Team CR3W and all the callers!

The new plaque will go here!

Are you interested in contesting? JOIN THE RRDXA!


73 and good DX!

Helmut DF7EE aka CQ3W


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