Due to Easter holidays and family asignments I decided to not atend CQ WPX Phone 2024 from Madeira as usual, I stayed home and did not plan any operation at all. After getting closer to the WPX weekend and the family scedule was layed out, I had a bit of spare time for the contest. I asked Philppe LX2A if I could use LX7I remotly for WPX and thankfully he agreed.
As I would not have time to operate full time I decided to go into the classic category without DX Cluster, Single Radio (what matches the remote setup) and only 24h play time that matches the family scedule.
Bad hair day just befor contest starts – time for a quick selfie.
I started on 40m with a 2 Element Beam but it was almost impossible to hold a run frequency. The QRM and the rudness from some stations made it impossibe to create any decent rates, so I decided to mix it with 80m on a simple dipole. Rates were so painful low that I decided to take a nap around 5:00z. After restart 7:00z it did not get any better. Two hors above 50 and decline again. I am used to rates above around 200 from Madeira and everything I tried would not result into any good runs. S&P in calssic mode without DX cluster is very slow as well. You need to wait till you have the call – and then – oh no – already worked before – on to the next one. This really felt like the old days. 🙂 After lunch break 15m and 10m brought some fun and I could end the day with 1000 QSOs only after 18h. The second day was family time and I startet 14:00z to fill up the missing hours till end of play after 24h and 1500 QSOs.
I think with better planing that could have been 1800-2000 QSOs – but far far away from what I am used to operating CQ3W from Madeira.
Philippe’s remote setup worked flawless but working from remote adds some delays and the vox setting on the PC was causing some troubels too. Over all I think you are faster beeing on site, instead of remot – but hey – better than not operating at all!
Zik DK8ZZ showcased what is possible operating SO2R TB-Wire from DL and was always ahead of me – not the slighest chance to catch up even with a semi rare call and big antennas.
Overall it was fun to play and maybe good for a TOP 10 in Europe in the classic overlay category.
Thanks to Philippe LX2A who let me use his super station in Luxemburg again and thanks to all the callers.
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