Travel with COVID-19
This is a short statement about traveling under covid-19 restrictions.
It is allowed to travel and leave Germany if you follow the rules very closley. The rules may also change while you are already outside of Germany. Angela Merkel would like to close all borders (just like the former DDR) and stop all travel activity, but thankfully this is not possible in Germany, yet.
Everything on COVID is centered around the 7 day incidence numbers – 7DI.
There are extra restrictions if you are travel to a “high risk” area – even if the numbers are much smaller that in your own country, everything above 50 is still a “high risk” area. In my case travelling to Madeira the 7DI was around 70 when I got there. The 7DI in germany was above 150 at the same time. So it is twice as risky to leave your house in here, as it is in Madeira, but Madeira is still “high risk”. At the same time Mallorca fell below 50 and everyone was trying to get there for a few day out of the never ending german lockdown! We are in lcokdown mode since Noveber!
I think adult people are able to look after themselves in most cases. (maybe except Queerdenker)
When you travel to Madeira you can enter the Island if you have a negative CO-19 test – or you can get a free PCR test right at the airport, wich I did. This is organized very well by Madeira Save and delays you only 5-10 minutes leaving the airport. Usually within 12h you get a an email that your test is negative. It works!
While in Madeira they also have similar restrictions with masks, public gathering e.t.c. as we have. As I was there twice for ham radio only, I did not meet many people anyway. So I was more save in Madeira than travelling the tube from Hanau to Frankfurt back home in Germany with 7DI twice as high! I would not travel to Mallorca or anywhere else for large club gatherings, raves or huge festivals – I think that should be common sense.
Double restrictions comming back – rules chaged!
While on Madeira the german goverment change the rules. You have to have a negative CO19 test to get on a plane. OK, 125€, but that is fine with me and it is saver on the plane if everyone around you is negative. Back in Germany I STILL need to undergo a 10 day quarantine – even while testet negative just berfore return. After 5 days you can do another PCR test to “buy” yourself out. What I did of course. To me, that does not make any sense at all – and it is there ONLY to scare people away from travelling in the first place!
I think the double penalty is not right – but I am testet 3 times now within a few weeks and all is fine.
If travelling on a plane is THAT supersreader event – why are airlines not grounded?
We would almost be halfway out of the pandemic in Germany and the EU if the goverment would not have failed so badly getting its peope vaccinated! Israel, the US, England … so many countrys are far better off than Germany and the EU! <LINK>
Did you notice that only private events are restricted:
Travel for a weekend with the family – NO!
Travel to go to work in a packed tube – YES!
Shopping at a dicounter – SAVE!
Shopping in a shoe store – BAAAD!
Goint to the office with 10 people in a room – YES!
Meeting friends and family for easter – BAD!
Sitting in a meeting – YES.
Sitting in a restaurant – NO!
You have to do a CO19 test when travelling – YES!
Companies “may” but have to do tests? NO!
It is easy to go on with this list for pages .. but I think you get the idea.
I hope the situation is getting better soon and I would be happy to operate CQ WW SSB 2021 from Madeira again!
Stay save!