CQ WW SSB 2021 – CQ3W
Good news first: NO Murphy Strikes this time!
It was defenetly not my weekend. The 15m band was over crowded and no matter what frequency and/or direction I tried I could not establish any fast runs above 200 Q/h until the last two hours of the contest, when europe was out of the game. I was really disappointed!
At times we had 4 (!) different stations from Madeira on 15m and CR3DX was producing crazy rates fighting against D4Z. CR3DX got a lot of cluster spots while I was sitting with only 100 Q/h and no callers.
I am 1200 QSOs short of my last year score – and I was about to quit on saturday already, but I thought I would hang in there and do the best I can. Maybe it is still good for a top 3 place.
My friend Elmar who hast joind me for the third time on Madeira made the right decision and was piling up 1693 QSOs and 481k point on his low power 10m effort. This really looks like a world #2 score as well.
Ouside of the contest we enjoyed the time on Madeira and summed up the total QSO count to 10.000.
QSL for CT9/DF7EE is OK vial Bureau to my home call or direct via OQRS on Clublog.
QSL for CQ3W is ONLY OQRS via driect or bureau!
CS9/PD3EM us also ok via home call.
Yes we did a lot of FT8 QSOs on all bands and from QSL requests we can tell that it is still appreciated!
If you think FT8 is killing ham radio – this might be a good read for you: https://df7ee.de/ft8-killed-hamradio-really/
This was my 17th trip to Madeira and I am still enjoying the island.
About 80.000 QSOs produced from Madeira looking forward to log number 100.000!
Trip number 18 for WPX Phone 2022 is already booked.
Thanks for all the QSO’s and QSL’s. CU next year!