Sorry, we have moved ….

Hello everyone following my Hamradio blog here at

It has been fairly quiet over the last few weeks and I had hardly any time to put any signals on the band. What happned? We have moved to a new house and it was worth it!

Awaiting a new baby the next couple of days we simply needed more space and moved from Mühlheim-Dietesheim on the other side of the Main river to Hanau-Mittelbuchen.

Eveyone who was expecting big towers now, I am sorry. Normal live and family had priority number one but I hope I can put up my well known “simple-stupid-wire-vertical(tm)”. I will be busy with two kids, work, a small garden and a few trips to LX7I, CQ3W and ………. the next few years. We spended a lot of work getting everything ready before the new earthling will arrive.

After 10 days of moving, building, repairing, preparing I am back at work in my new homoffice space in our cellar.

Thank god I had a spare table to put up a few radios just in case …..




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