Shootout CQ WW SSB 2019 @ D4C
I just returned back from the 2019 CQ WW SSB – It was a great effort with a great team!
(Op’s left to right: Helmut DF7EE, Marc EA8FY, Piotr SQ9D, Kelly N0VD, Luca IK2NCJ, Marco IK2LFF back: Ricardo PY2PT und Fernando PY2LED)
The predictions on conditions were very poor but we managed to log almost 16.000 QSOs and even 1800 on 10m. It turned out to be a shootout with EF8R in Zone 33 who were aber to use their good location to euope on the lowbands and outcored us on 80m with about 200 QSOs. Congratulations!
RAW SCORES after deadline:
CT1BOH will be @ D4C for CQ WW CW doing his SO2RUN magic again in November.
UPDATE April 2020:
We made it after logcheck!