D4C claims #1 CQWW SSB 2016 M/S LP

Delta 4 Crazy claims number one world again for CQWW SSB 2016 in the M/S low power category including a new world record!


Here are the details:


Soapbox by Andrea HB9DUR:

Every contest participation is a challenge, and from D4C station is no exception as well.

This year Murphy visited us already in the organization process having two team members to be absent due to small surgeries that did not enable them to come. We wish them good recovery.

The team was composed by 3 OM that already successfully took part in the CQ WPX SSB: DF7ZS Helmut, SQ9D Piotr, SQ9CNN Rafal as guest op and HB9DUR Andrea and IZ4DPV Massimo as D4C crew. New entry was SQ9UM Alex that in a matter of a second entered with ease into Monteverde feeling. IZ4DPV, SQ9D and SQ9UM arrived on Monday and started station checks and preparation work outside and inside the shack. The generator was tested and each Momobean antenna verified with analyser.

The weather was still dry and with the typical outstanding view from Monteverde mountain. Tuesday was the day of beverages and Inband antennas. So far so good. On Wednesday work continued and some activity was made signing as D4Z. In the late afternoon HB9DUR arrived along with DF7ZS. Those guys brought bad weather and it started to rain. Thursday was station cabling and testing. With heavy rains ongoing life became difficult and the road to Monteverde started degenerating. On Friday we were thinking that Murphy was ready to knock our door again as the road conditions deteriorated further and that whole competition was at risk. Anyway, this was the hot test day with all equipment ready for the fight but after some time of work the generator stopped without apparent working .

Murphy eventually came without knocking. We tried several times to having it back without success. This lead to an unexpected and forced category change into MS low power. This was very unfortunate because the situation of the other competitors in Z33 would had led to an interesting game on cqcontest.net although we discovered later that nobody of them was on. The whole team did not lose motivation, actually it was just the contrary: A new target was set. To get the 2015 year World record MS LP achieved by FY5KE. Additionally, it was a wish of the team to get more entries. So above our declared. D4C was on the board since the beginning but practically alone apart the first few hours with WP3C.

As post contest comment, we could just copy-paste Herve F5HRY last’s year comment on 3830: Terrible on low bands with 100W, extremely difficult to work some multipliers and our wire inband antenna fed with 100W sometimes was trying to do miracles (thanks to the operators). Luckily 15m was our go band tough an Saturday was way better than on Sunday.

We will provide more insight in our next newsletter including some interesting pictures. To join the newsletter subscribe here


I take the opportunity to introduce our e-commerce page that enables us to rise founds for a local program in Mindelo: www.shop.d4c.cc Needless to say, we are thankful for the determination of our Guest Operators Friends that helped D4C to do something new. A note must be said to our antenna park as well. Momobeam antennas are still performing well after 19 months of heavy weather conditions (see results…). We are proud to deliver the D4C harsh environment location for field test to serious companies (and friends).

Best 73’s and CU in the next one

Andrea HB9DUR (one of D4C – Monteverde contest club)

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