CR3W @ CQ WW RTTY 2024 is World #1 M/M
CQ WW RTTY 2024 is a wrap, and from all we know – it looks like another world number #1 effort again.
The trip to Madeira #22 was uneventful and everything was on time. Discover airlines by Lufthansa seems to be a very nice product.
Arrived in Santane the work started right away: 10m monoband beam, 15m monoband beam, station @ radio setup, DX Commander for skimmer, RX Antennas and other things are on the to do list. We had plenty to do and everything was finished by friday.
Men at work ….
The contest started on time and ran appart from a few small glitches pretty fine and QSos were piling up every hour.
Here are a few snapshots from the operators at work:
Illian made a checkup of all our ACOM amps – i missed taking a foto when he was operating!
Men that stear on screens … and operate RTTY.
At the end we were able to pile up 6450 QSOs and 16.2 Million points before logcheck.
From what we know by now – it looks like another world #1 score from Madeira. YESSSSS!
Teardown day on Monday and some time to visit Porto da Cruz for swimming and the Casa Do Rum.
As always I could not resist to put up some FT8 QSOs before and after the contest. FT8 haters stop reading here …
About 3100 FT8 QSOs: 80m 300, 60m 279, 40m 286, 30m 736, 17m 85, 15m 1419
QSL CT9/DF7EE is via clublog OQRS only. Info on
QSL CR3W also via clublog – info on
Thanks for all the callers and QSOs – sorry for the ones we could not figure out.
Helmut DF7EE
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