New Mode FT8 for WSJT-X

FT8 is now available in WSJT-X.
Installation packages for Windows, Linux, OS X, and Raspbian Jessie can
be downloaded from the WSJT web site:

Since two days I am playing around with the FT8 mode, and it is fun!

I was not using JT65 to much as I found it way to slow! 5 Minutes for one QSO, thanks – but no thanks! FT8 now fills this gap. Decoding seems to be possible till -20 dB, that is not as deep as JT65, but the QSO takes only one minute (15 seconds per pass). QSOs sequence can be done automatically with WSJT-X as long as all folks following the standard messages. It is a weak signal mode maybe comparable with PSK31, but with standard messages much better then looking at odd macros like: “my pc is perntium II with 2 GHz and Windows 10, my software is bla bla bla ….”

Even it seem simple, it can be still a challenge for some guys. 🙂

Within two days I made about 170 QSOs on 40m and 20m and I really like it!

3 Days FT8 with 236 QSOs and running …..

I hope to see you on my FT8 screen soon!

