LX7I CQ WW RTTY 2015 Claimed Score

LX7I_Team-titel Kopie (Andere)

Thanks to Philippe LX2A for putting this wonderful station together.

Latest add-on: 2 Element Beam for 80m (no more 4SQ building in the rain.)

We had a great weekend in Luxembourg again, although 10m did not want to play with us this time. We had to compensate 60+ mults and 600 QSOs from 10m with more DX QSOs on 20m. Thanks to all the callers and sorry for the ones we could not decipher. Best rate was on day one with 171 QSOs, but day two started with a big drop in rates. We always compared our scores @ cqcontest.net if it is “just us” or if anyone is struggling on day two. We were able to constantly but slowly pull away from S51A who also used online scoring. I think it is much more fun and it is a real pity that only a few stations participate and  I BET many many stations are watching, but not posting. What’s wrong with you guys? We have nothing to hide. Use online scoring – IT IS FUN!!!
Equipment in use:

2x ICOM IC-7700

1x ICOM IC-7850

1x FT5000DX (HOT swap operating position – not in use) 4x Legal power (only three in use)


80m  2 Element Beam  +  Dipole

40m  3 Element Beam + 2 Element Beam JA + rotary Dipoles 20m  2x 5 Element USA + 6 Element JA + X 15m  2x 5 Element USA + 6 Element JA + others 10m  3x 6 Element USA + 2x 5 Element JA + 6 Element + others

73 and see you again in WAEDC RTTY from LX7I



www.lx2a.com (under construction right now)